Many women take yoga classes during pregnancy, perhaps they started yoga before becoming pregnant or maybe they are now trying it for the first time. To find out a little bit more Baby Co chatted to Rhona from YogaBellies.
What do you love about yoga? What is your favourite yoga pose?
I love yoga for many many reasons, I switch my mind off and live in the moment when practicing yoga. I concentrate on my breathing and be mindful. Yoga has made me flexible! It tones a variety of muscles and helps core strength. Depending on my mood or time of the month I can change my yoga practice to suit how I’m feeling. I can practice a core strength flow or restorative yoga or anything in between. And my favourite part of yoga is Shavasna…the resting pose!

My favourite pose is pigeon pose. It is a lovely hip opener which I also teach in my pregnancy yoga classes.
Can you give us your top three benefits for pregnancy yoga?
Pregnancy yoga helps keep you fit and flexible. Keeping as fit and active as you can during pregnancy will help in labour. Pregnancy yoga can help with the aches and pains of carrying a baby. There are poses which will help back ache, sciatica, leg cramps. Pregnancy yoga is a lovely way to bond with baby and take time out for the both of you. There’s lovely relaxation at the end of class and ladies have the best night sleep after class.
Best yoga tip for a tired heavily pregnant mummy?
Get a yoga/birthing ball as it’s much more comfortable to sit on the ball in the later stages of pregnancy than on the sofa or a chair.
So after baby has arrived, you’ve got a tired mummy and possibly a cranky baby – what can mum & baby yoga and baby massage classes do to help?
The baby classes help mums find new ways to bond with baby. Baby Massage can help with problems such as wind, constipation, colic and it’s helps baby to relax. Mum and Baby Yoga helps mums start to get back into shape gently after having baby and baby also gets a good stretch. It’s good for new mums to get out and meet other mums in the area. Chatting to them helps mums realise that they are not the only one going through certain situations and many friendships have been made in these classes. Babies have the best sleep after class and mums get a cup of tea and bun at the end of class!!
Have you got a funny moment from a class that sticks in your mind?
We have a discussion at the end of every class before our relaxation with a different topic each week. Sometimes those discussions can get very interesting….everything that is said in class stays in class!!
Any top tips for new mummies?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help and accept help from anyone who is offering in the first few weeks! Don’t be hard on yourself – every baby is different.
What is your dream for YogaBellies and mummies in NI?
I would love to see Yogabellies classes in every county in Northern Ireland!
What would you say to someone who is unsure about trying out a class?
Don’t be afraid to give it a go! The majority of the class is yoga but we also have discussions on everything from hospital bags, to pain relief to fourth trimester and self care. I have second /third time mums in the classes and alot of the first time mums-to-be like to hear the advice they have to give. And there have been alot of friendships made in the pregnancy yoga classes through to baby classes and for years after!
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I have ladies who contact me and think that because they have never done yoga before the class might not be suitable for them but pregnancy yoga is suitable for all levels of yoga. You can take the class at your own pace. Also pregnancy yoga classes are suitable right up to due date and it’s never too late to start. There are ladies who work shifts and can’t make classes every week but come along for a few weeks at the end of pregnancy when they are on maternity leave.
How do people get in touch with you and how early can you start your pregnancy or postnatal yoga journey?
I’m on Facebook – Rhona Yogabellies Armagh, Dungannon, Portadown and Lurgan. Or email [email protected] I recommend waiting until 12 weeks pregnant before starting the classes.
Thanks Rhona!
Check out some of our recommended Pregnancy Yoga teachers to find out more about local classes:
Claires Yoga Studio
Jacqui O’Kane Yoga
Lough Road Yoga Ballinderry
You can also contact your local SureStart and find out if they offer pregnancy yoga classes.
There are lots of other great yoga teachers and studios right across Northern Ireland, we have just added a few here that we know of. If you have been to an amazing pregnancy yoga class tag them in the comments and let us know about them.