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Where to have a baby in Northern Ireland 

Are you planning to have your baby in Northern Ireland? This article is filled with information to help you find out more about birth places in Northern Ireland and your options for where to give birth.  

Most expectant parents in Northern Ireland will have three options – hospital birth with care led by doctors, hospital birth with care led by midwives and home birth with care from midwives. 

“My doctor/midwife said I have to go to . . . do I really have a choice?”

YES! You absolutely have a choice, where you choose to give birth is your decision.  

Let us look at what is available  

Woman having water birth
Birth at home: 

Your house! Birth at home is an option for all expectant parents in Northern Ireland. For more information on home birth you can read the RQIA Guideline for Planning to Birth at Home in Northern Ireland. While the RQIA Guideline is currently out of date it has lots of useful information for parents considering birth at home. There are also local Facebook groups for those interested in Home Birth – NI Home Birth Forum, and the Northern Ireland Home Birthers and Hopefuls parents group. If you are living in the Southern Trust area, you can link in with the dedicated Birth at Home team, find out more here.  

Hospital birth options  

In recent years hospital birth options have been reduced for parents in Northern Ireland with the closure of freestanding midwifery led units in The Downe, Lagan Valley, and the Mater Hospital Belfast. The loss of the Causeway maternity unit has also impacted on options.  

As it stands most families will have two main options for hospital birth. Consultant-led units or midwifery-led units. There are several key differences in the two options, we will discuss that further in our blog about consultant versus midwifery care options in Northern Ireland. For now we will focus on the options for birth itself in the different trust areas.  

Woman in hospital birth center
Belfast Trust Area 

Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital delivery suite^ 
(Note the room shown at the start of this video is the pool room in the Active Birth Centre) 
Active Birth Centre at the Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital**

South Eastern Trust Area 

The Labour Ward at the Ulster Hospital^ 
Ulster Hospital Home From Home** 

Northern Trust Area 

The Labour Ward at Antrim Area Hospital^ 

Southern Trust Area 

Delivery Suite in Daisy Hill Hospital^ 
Daisy Hill Hospital Midwife Led Unit**
Delivery Suite in Craigavon Area Hospital^ 
Craigavon Area Hospital Midwife Led Unit** 

Western Trust Area 

The Delivery Suite in South Western Acute Hospital^ 
The Delivery Suite in Altnagelvin Area Hospital^ 
Altnagelvin Midwife Led Unit** 

Type of units 

**Alongside Midwifery Led Unit – A unit located in a hospital alongside an obstetric unit (delivery suite or labour ward) where midwives are the lead professional for care in labour. 

^ Consultant Led Unit – A unit located in a hospital where the consultants are the lead professional for care in labour.  

Water Birth 

woman having a water birth

Many families are choosing water for labour and birth, this is an important factor in choosing where to give birth as some units have very limited pool availability. Below is a table of how many pools are available in each unit.  

Trust Area  Unit Name / Type  Number of rooms  Number of pools 
Belfast  The Royal delivery suite  12 
Belfast  Active Birth Centre 
South Eastern   Ulster Hospital Labour Ward 
South Eastern   Home from Home 
Northern   Labour Ward at Antrim Area Hospital 
Southern  Daisy Hill Delivery Suite 
Southern  Daisy Hill Midwifery Unit 
Southern  Craigavon Area Hospital Delivery Suite  10 
Southern  Craigavon Area Hospital Midwife Led Unit  0 (each room has a large bath instead) 
Western   Altnagelvin Delivery Suite  1(shared with MLU) 
Western  Altnagelvin Midwife Led Unit  2 (1 shared with delivery suite) 
Western  South West Acute Hospital  

Antenatal Care Only (Cannot birth in these units)

The Maternity Hub at the Causeway Hospital 
Lagan Valley Hospital Midwife Led Unit 
Downe Hospital Midwife Led Unit 
South West Acute Hospital Midwife Led Unit 

Self Referral Forms 

There is no need to attend your GP to make a referral to maternity services, you can access the self referral process online. You do also have the option of giving birth in a hospital in a different health trust to the one you. You can find the links for each trust below.  

South Eastern 

If you want to discuss your options for where to give birth we can help! 

At All About Birth we have supported families giving birth in many different units and at home. We can support you with talking to your midwife or doctor about your preferences. Check out our advocacy options or have a chat with us about doula support.

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