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Personalised Antenatal Course


All About Birth will help you prepare for your birth with a wealth of information and practical skills in this personalised antenatal course.

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Our All About Birth antenatal course will include key content relevant to your pregnancy and any past birth experiences. We will adapt and tailor the sessions to cover topics that you are most interested in.

Having a personal antenatal course also allows you to schedule sessions at a time that suits you, either in person or via an online platform. Our personal antenatal courses have a basic set up of three 2-hour sessions, 6 hours 1:1 time with Emma or Leslie.

We cover a wide range of topics in each personal antenatal course to ensure you feel confident and prepared for birth. Here is a selection of topics that previous clients have chosen to include in their personal antenatal course:

  • Stages and processes of labour
    • Understand the processes of labour and how you can manage physically and mentally, reduce anxiety around birth, and help birth partners understand what is happening at each stage.
  • Comfort and pain relief through labour and birth
    • This topic covers a range of options for each stage of labour, including some useful techniques that can be practised in pregnancy.
  • Interventions in labour and birth
    • Including induction, caesarean and instrumental birth. In Northern Ireland around half of all births are induction, 27-32% of births via caesarean and up to 17% of vaginal births using either forceps or vacuum. Find out if these options are right for you.
  • Newborn care
    • Including information on sleep, bathing, changing and any specific topics of interest.
  • Mental health and wellbeing in pregnancy and the postnatal period.

This is your antenatal course! You can request topics and information that you want to know more about. If you feel that you need more after the initial sessions, chat you to us and we can arrange to add some sessions at a discounted price.

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